Chance to win free ticket to watch action sequal movie this April 2019.. Blow your mind and full pack action with Avengers Endgames blockbuster movie. We will giving away 6 ticket to lucky customers to watch this full action movie with your family or with your love one. We book your free seat at Kerian Mall MMCINEPLEXES. This contest available now until 2 days before prime show in cinema.
How To Participate?
Everytime you buy Alakazam's burgers you will get a official participant entry coupon. Fill your name, phone number, address and drop back in our lucky box located at alakazam fleet 2 days before official cinema show.
Hurry!! get entry now! more entry more chance to watch Captain Marvel first appearance to defeat Thanos for free with your love one.. Rumors said "maybe this is the last sequal of Avengers". So don't miss out.
Watch Avengers Endgames Latest Trailer